It's Neighborhood Christmas Store season! In December, Parker Street Ministries (PSM) hosts a fully functioning store for several days. The organization receives brand new toys and funds to purchase gifts from many individuals and groups. Toys are discounted 75% and...
Taking Victory to the Streets 2023 Recap
On May 9, Parker Street Ministries (PSM) welcomed 300 guests for breakfast and dinner to Taking Victory to the Streets (TVTTS)! PSM seeks change in the Parker Street neighborhood and beyond through community development activities that are shaped by the Gospel of...
Welcome, New Trustees!
We are thrilled to welcome three new Trustees to the Board! Tara Jessup is the Team and Outreach Director at Access Church. “I’m excited to serve at Parker Street on a new level! I've been a volunteer, staff member, and neighborhood resident, and I’m excited to...
Lynne Simpkins – August Spotlight
Meet V. Lynne Simpkins, Parker Street Ministries’ newest Board of Trustees member. Learn a little more about her below. Fun fact: Lynne was a founding Board member of PSM and served when the ministry was incorporated! Welcome back, Lynne! What is your...
Did You Know? Summer Camp Stats & Highlights
This summer, 108 youth in K-12 participated in Summer Camp and Workforce Lab! Campers in K-8 received: 6 hours of swim lessons at the YMCA 60 hours of academic time The opportunity to attend five field trips including ZooTampa at Lowry Park, the Florida Aquarium,...
Host a House Party!
Yeah, we’re totally fishing for an invitation! This fall, Parker Street Ministries wants to connect with friends and future friends through House Parties. The concept is simple: Invite YOUR friends, church groups, etc. over for a short, informal gathering. PSM’s...
Tracy Wilson – June Spotlight
Tracy Wilson is a longtime PSM supporter and current Advisory Committee Member. Learn a little more about her below. What drew you to PSM? In the early 2000s, my church (First Presbyterian Church) became involved in Parker Street and we started a small project team to...
Jeff & Diane Broadus – April Spotlight
In honor of National Volunteer Month, we wanted to highlight a couple who goes above and beyond to touch the lives of our students. Meet Jeff & Diane Broadus: Jeff & Diane Broadus are a dynamic duo: peanut butter and jelly, if you will. She’s a bit practical;...
Access Church Serve Day
As part of #WorldKindnessDay 2021, Access Church designated Saturday as #ServeDay and members spent time volunteering in the community. At Parker Street Ministries, a team participated in organization projects for our after-school program, landscaped, and helped set...
Summer Volunteers & Workdays
PSM loves its volunteers! This summer brought in many volunteers, including from organizations and churches such as The Rock Community Church, Heritage Baptist Church, All Saints' Episcopal Church, and Camp Fire Sunshine Central Florida. Sad you weren't able to...