History / Vision / Values

About Parker Street Ministries

The Word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood. – John 1:14
History / Vision - Parker Street Ministries in Lakeland, FL

In 1996, a core group of Christians trusted in the God of the Bible who cares for the poor. They took that trust in God to a particular impoverished neighborhood and invited others to join them and to listen to the people who live there—to share their experiences—as their neighbors. It began in little ways, folding laundry together in laundry rooms, helping children get homework done, picking up trash together, praying for all kinds of things. The big commitment was to individual, family, and community restoration, reconciliation, and revitalization.

We’ve grown a lot over two and a half decades, and we continue with a vision for community development that is shaped by the Gospel. There are plans and goals and ways to measure progress. All of this happens through an abundance of prayer, people, financial, and facility resources.


2023-2027 Long Range Plan

2024 Impact Goals

2023 Charting Impact Study

2023 Annual Report

2022 Form 990


In God’s presence and through His love, we are invited into the restoration, reconciliation, and transformation of our lives and the lives of our neighbors and the greater community.

Core Values

We want to exhibit Christ-like behaviors in all we do, by:

  • Demonstrating Humility by keeping God first.
    Put God above everything as ultimate provider and solution; actively grow in dependence on God; be teachable and thankful; pray always.
  • Honoring Truth of Scripture and truth in our relationships.
    Strive to know and honor Truth; speak truth in relationships and to ourselves.
  • Being Present with each other.
    Fully engage with and see each other; seek to understand and listen; seek reconciliation; commit to place, acknowledge limits and boundaries.
  • Affirming Dignity of each person as made in the image of God.
    Respect and celebrate differences and uniqueness; seek out opportunities to acknowledge people; honor boundaries.
  • Committing to Unity through healthy relationships.
    Actively seek to make relationships mutually beneficial; see assets in others; strive for unity; seek to bridge gaps between neighbors within and outside community