Board & Staff
Our Staff

Tim Mitchell
Executive Director
Since 1996
Email Tim
What I've Learned
I could live in the mountains and look out the window and see God’s glory and beauty every day and get to know Him more. But there’s something about living among people — looking out my window and seeing the brokenness and realizing my own brokenness and need for a Savior every day. For God so loved me He sent me to the poor that I might know Him more and know my need for Him more.

Christina Allen
Education Director
Since 2007
Email Christina
What I've Learned
My neighbors (specifically the moms of my students) are beautiful people whose generosity, sincerity, and friendship bless me every day.
Kids are fun!!! I am so privileged to spend my days with them.
God’s ways are not my ways but He is always good and loving.
When I am stubborn and try to do things in my own strength, God patiently draws me back to Himself.

William Wainwright
Housing Director
Since 2009
Email William
What I've Learned
William’s “What I’ve Learned” assignment is starting to rival the lost city of Atlantis—legendary, mysterious, and possibly never to be found. If you can convince him to finally turn it in (after 4+ years of suspense), you’ll be handsomely rewarded with a prestigious PSM mug. Email William at with your best motivational speech or Jedi mind trick—whatever it takes!

Hannah Hardin
Operations Director
Since 2009
Email Hannah
What I've Learned
Ministry[/life] is so much less of our work than I ever imagined and so much more God’s work on my own heart. And how beautiful that is…that He is always after our hearts. And that pursuit – being pursued by the King of the Universe – that is what we share with each other as we point each other to Christ through the good times and bad. That is when ministry[/life!] happens. The Gospel for Daily Living.

Sarah Breed
Development & Communications Director
Since 2021
Email Sarah
What I've Learned
On this side of life, we won’t know or meet every human being. God is, therefore, very purposeful in those He plants in our lives—and whose lives we’re planted in. Ephesians 5:2 says, “And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” The love being shown—and the work being done in this neighborhood—through Jesus is as a sweet-smelling aroma before the Lord. I am thankful and honored He also picked me, of all people, to be planted here for such a time as this.

Sarah Bonner
Young Adult Program Assistant Director
Since 2019
Email Sarah
What I've Learned
God loves His kids. No, really. He loves us so much. Through working at PSM, I have grown to see the supernatural patience, grace, and unconditional love that the Lord has given to me to show our students. By loving our students in the only way I know how, through God’s love, I have experienced a new form of love He has for me that I didn’t see before.
There is nothing I did to make God start loving me so there is nothing I can do to make Him stop loving me. When approaching our students with this same idea, it is remarkable to watch how safe they feel knowing we will always love them no matter what. This love unravels a feeling of safety and peace in our program that only comes from Heaven. What an honor it is to be a part of such work.

Kyle Groesch
Administrative Assistant
Since 2023
Email Kyle
What I've Learned
The love of God that has been so beautifully demonstrated throughout the course of history, and most clearly through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, is for all people. Therefore, we love all people. None of us can earn or strive our way into God’s glorious kingdom. His presence, His love, and His willingness to be someone we can know and have a relationship with is a gift we don’t deserve. But God is a good father who gives good gifts to His children. After all, God Himself is the greatest gift!

Paige Connell
HR Generalist
Since 2024
Email Paige
What I've Learned
God is truly so faithful. Being at Parker Street Ministries has taught me that nothing we do even begins to compare to what God can do. This ministry has taught me grace and humility, and to truly be thankful for all that God has done and will do in the future. PSM truly shows what it means to love thy neighbor, not just on the surface, but to really be with people and love them well.

Mike Prewitt
Facilities & Property Manager
Since 2024
Email Mike
What I've Learned
I am learning in fresh ways God’s crazy and intense love that He has for us all. Not because of anything that I have done and even in spite of my nature, He loves and pursues and desires that I pursue loving others as He has loved me. I have the opportunity to do that with those around me in my service to this neighborhood.

Katie McMullen
Program Support
Since 2024
Email Katie
What I've Learned
I’ve always had a passion to help serve the community and to also be able to spread the Gospel while doing it. And even more so, I have a passion for working with children. At Parker Street Ministries, all these things are possible. That is why I’m so excited to be a part of the Parker Street family!

Joy Williams
Volunteer & Events Coordinator
Since 2024
Email Joy
What I've Learned
Although new to Parker Street Ministries, I have already learned that I am surrounded by great people that love God and this community. They are walking the walk and talking the talk, and I’m honored to join the team. It’s been wonderful meeting parents, children, and volunteers that I get to call my new neighbors! I am so excited to work alongside the PSM family and show others who God is, what He has done, and what He will do. I am also looking forward to my personal growth and seeing Jesus continue to move in my own life.

Ashleigh Sanchez
AEP K-8 Assistant Director
Since 2025
Email Ashleigh
What I've Learned
Every person has a story, and listening—really listening—reflects the love of Christ in a powerful way. I’ve learned that small acts of kindness, whether it’s helping with homework or sharing a meal, can be a reflection of God’s grace and provision. I’ve also come to appreciate the power of showing up. Jesus met people where they were, and following His example means being present—celebrating victories, walking through struggles, and loving without condition. Most importantly, I’ve learned that change isn’t about fixing people; it’s about walking alongside them as Christ walks with us, learning together, and growing as a community rooted in His love.
Board of Trustees 2024-25
Marc Presnell, DVM – Chair
Robbie Pearce – Vice Chair
Teresa Bray – Immediate Past Chair
Lance Schmidt, CPA, CFE – Treasurer
Tara Jessup – Secretary
Howard Bayless
Monty Davis, M.Div.
Scott MacDonald
Terri Presnell
Lynne Simpkins
Sam Strawbridge
Advisory Committee 2024-25
Cynthia Hallock, Chair
Marsha Vass, Immediate Past Chair
Barney Barnett
Wesley Barnett
Marti Beswick
Tracey Carter
Tina DeBoer
MattE Diaz
Jack Harrell, III
Will Harrell
Bob Johnson
Kelly Jones
Jim McClelland
Zachary McGowen
Laura Pallos
Andy Ritchie
Steve Scruggs
Jayna Smith
TimO Strawbridge
Ernestine Tye
Bill Vass
Julie Watkins
Tracy Wilson
Danny Wuerffel
Steve Young