Parker Street Ministries Blog
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. – Psalm 136
Host a House Party!
Yeah, we’re totally fishing for an invitation! This fall, Parker Street Ministries wants to connect with friends and future friends through House Parties. The concept is simple: Invite YOUR friends, church groups, etc. over for a short, informal gathering. PSM’s...
Tracy Wilson – June Spotlight
Tracy Wilson is a longtime PSM supporter and current Advisory Committee Member. Learn a little more about her below. What drew you to PSM? In the early 2000s, my church (First Presbyterian Church) became involved in Parker Street and we started a small project team to...
2021 Annual Report
Check out Parker Street Ministries' 2021 Annual Report. __________ Parker Street Ministries (PSM) is a 501c3 nonprofit in Lakeland, Florida that follows a Gospel-centered model characterized by living, listening,...
Commitment to Financial Transparency
Parker Street Ministries earned a 2022 Platinum Seal of Transparency with Candid! Check out our Nonprofit Profile to learn more about Parker Street Ministries’ impact: Platinum is the highest designation this charity...
Troubled Waters
Troubled waters are where our King Jesus wants us. In Matthew 14:29, Peter and the disciples find themselves on a boat buffeted by the wind. They have reasons to be cautious, but Jesus has a different plan. Scripture says Jesus called Peter to come to Him, “So Peter...
Graduates – May Spotlight
Congratulations to these high school graduates who spent many years in the afterschool program AND were past participants in Workforce Lab. They are receiving a savings match for their next steps. Caleb: “I’ll be attending Southeastern University’s School of Honors...
Tim Mitchell is the 2021 Jere Annis Leadership Award Recipient
Parker Street Ministries’ very own CEO, Tim Mitchell, was named the 2021 Jere Annis Leadership Award Recipient by the Leadership Lakeland Alumni Association (LLAA). The Jere Annis Award was established in 1989 by the LLAA to honor the late Dr. Jere Annis, an organizer...
Mother’s Day 2022
__________ Parker Street Ministries (PSM) is a 501c3 nonprofit in Lakeland, Florida that follows a Gospel-centered model characterized by living, listening, affirming dignity, and building community together in and through the Parker Street neighborhood. For more than...
Jeff & Diane Broadus – April Spotlight
In honor of National Volunteer Month, we wanted to highlight a couple who goes above and beyond to touch the lives of our students. Meet Jeff & Diane Broadus: Jeff & Diane Broadus are a dynamic duo: peanut butter and jelly, if you will. She’s a bit practical;...
Easter Egg Hunt 2022
Oh, what fun we had at the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt! The morning included arts and crafts, popsicles, eggs aplenty, and the Resurrection story! Thanks to all who attended and volunteered, including those from Access Church and Strong Tower Church. In addition,...