Get Outta Here Digital Divide

by | Apr 14, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Thank you to Strong Tower Church ($6549) and Citrus Center Kiwanis ($1800) for funding several Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics projects for our students. This funding is allowing high school students to explore careers in digital media, welding, and computer repair while learning about nutrition and building ecosystems to build their science vocabulary. Hydroponics are on the horizon!

The funding also provided ten tablets and peripherals to give our K through 8th grade students a leg up on tablet technology. One tablet will be used to extend digital access in each classroom during the school year. During SummerBridge Camp the tablets will travel from class-to-class as a group and allow students to complete educational STEM skill-building exercises designed for this technology.

ALSO this funding helped us to make our hodge-podge data environment safer and consistently “up”.  A technology audit provided the game plan to make it all happen, and strategies such as backups, a stronger firewall, a conversion to Office 365, and implementation of a common desktop image are underway or expected soon in the classrooms and office. Combine that with keyboard instruction beginning in 2nd grade, coding enrichments, and refurbished laptops for families through Christmas Store 2015, and you have some Great Big Strides across the Digital Divide!!!