Graduates – May Spotlight

Congratulations to these high school graduates who spent many years in the afterschool program AND were past participants in Workforce Lab. They are receiving a savings match for their next steps.⁠ ⁠ Caleb: “I’ll be attending Southeastern University’s School of Honors...
Mother’s Day 2022

Mother’s Day 2022

__________ Parker Street Ministries (PSM) is a 501c3 nonprofit in Lakeland, Florida that follows a Gospel-centered model characterized by living, listening, affirming dignity, and building community together in and through the Parker Street neighborhood. For more than...
Jeff & Diane Broadus – April Spotlight

Jeff & Diane Broadus – April Spotlight

In honor of National Volunteer Month, we wanted to highlight a couple who goes above and beyond to touch the lives of our students. Meet Jeff & Diane Broadus: Jeff & Diane Broadus are a dynamic duo: peanut butter and jelly, if you will. She’s a bit practical;...
Easter Egg Hunt 2022

Easter Egg Hunt 2022

Oh, what fun we had at the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt! The morning included arts and crafts, popsicles, eggs aplenty, and the Resurrection story! Thanks to all who attended and volunteered, including those from Access Church and Strong Tower Church. In addition,...