Volunteer of the Year Candidate
Volunteers: Priceless
We’ve quantified our volunteer experiences from 2015. You are irreplaceable! We try to give volunteers a sense of how their work fits in with our total work. Sometimes, when you’re pulling weeds or at the wrong end of a super soaker, it’s difficult to see the big picture. Below is the Big Picture BY NUMBERS of our volunteer work in 2015.
738 unduplicated volunteers
8464 hours served at a value of $169,280 dollars (The Nonprofit Sector)
2570 volunteer experiences
3301 of those hours were to help our kids learn STEM subjects: Science-Technology-Engineering-Math
2800+ hours addressed My Brothers Keepers Initiatives for young men of color, such as kindergarten readiness, college prep, or reading the third grade
295 of those volunteers were skills-based volunteers
5954 of the hours were skills-based hours
46 of the volunteers were indigenous to the Parker Street neighborhood. They served 2215 hours or 26%
2215 or 26% of the hours served were by indigenous volunteers!
Will you be a part of the transformation of this impoverished neighborhood by volunteering in 2016? Our goal is three volunteers per classroom and there are other one-time or ongoing opportunities. See the volunteer area of this website for more information or email volunteer@psmlakeland.org