Tobacco Free Polk visited with some 8th grade and high school students to demonstrate the dangers of tobacco use. They brought engaging visuals, like lung replicas and jars showing the effects of tar and phlegm, to illustrate the impact on the body.
The presentation covered topics like:
- How marketing tactics target young people with sweet flavors, low prices, and strategic ads.
- The long-term health risks and addictive qualities of tobacco.
- Ways students can advocate for themselves and others, including through SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco).
It was an eye-opening session that equipped students with knowledge and tools to make healthy choices!
Parker Street Ministries (PSM) is a 501c3 in Lakeland, Florida, that follows a Gospel-centered model characterized by living, listening, affirming dignity, and building community together in and through the Parker Street neighborhood. Parker Street Ministries is committed to Gospel-centered community development through the focus areas of: Fostering Spiritual Growth so Christ and His Gospel are front and center, Supporting Lifetime Learners through educational opportunities, Stabilizing the Neighborhood by addressing the quality and availability of housing, and Cultivating Connections so gaps in relationships and services are bridged.