
Parker Street Ministries Blog

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. – Psalm 136
Hope in Christ

Hope in Christ

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should...

Rest in Jesus, Trish Hogan

Rest in Jesus, Trish Hogan

We are deeply saddened by the Sept. 1 death of Trish Hogan, a much-loved staff member at Parker Street Ministries. She has been a bright light whose cheerful smile, deep love of Jesus, and faithful service worked together to powerfully enrich Parker Street...

Workforce Lab Instills Life-Changing Values

Workforce Lab Instills Life-Changing Values

Sleeping in, beach days, and no school—sounds like a typical summer for most students. But not for PSM's Young Adult Program (YAP) participants. Sixteen high schoolers who live in the Parker Street neighborhood spent their June and July preparing for their futures...

New Illuminated Sidewalks

New Illuminated Sidewalks

Check out the beautifully illuminated sidewalks and buildings along Parker St. and Iowa Ave. Thanks goes to the Empower Polk Grant at GiveWell Community Foundation and the City of Lakeland, FL - Government’s Neighborhood Partnership Grant for helping fund this...

You Came Through! – Start Smart Campaign a Success

You Came Through! – Start Smart Campaign a Success

Thanks to the faithful donors who assisted in the most successful Start Smart Education Essentials Campaign to date! Because of you (as of August 10), 137 neighborhood kids involved with PSM’s program started school prepared. But that’s not all… These donations also...

National Night Out 2021

National Night Out 2021

The Neighborhood Family Craft Night for National Night Out was a blast! The evening included food, fellowship, conversations with LPD officers and LFD firefighters—and lots of opportunities to paint, design, and create! "National Night Out is an annual...

Summer Field Trips 2021

Summer Field Trips 2021

After taking a break from field trips last year due to COVID-19, Summer-Bridge campers were thrilled to go on several off-campus adventures! In fact: 82 students visited ZooTampa at Lowry Park 33 went bowling 19 rolled into Skate World 12 played at Explorations V...

Ringabration 2021

Ringabration 2021

Did you hear the bells on July 30?! That was Ringabration—PSM's way of celebrating the end of a successful Summer-Bridge Camp. The event included a look back at eight weeks of fun and delicious BBQ for campers and their families. Kids were also able to pick up their...

Summer Volunteers & Workdays

Summer Volunteers & Workdays

PSM loves its volunteers! This summer brought in many volunteers, including from organizations and churches such as The Rock Community Church, Heritage Baptist Church, All Saints' Episcopal Church, and Camp Fire Sunshine Central Florida.  Sad you weren't able to...