Meet Joy Williams: Volunteer & Neighborhood Events Coordinator!

New to Lakeland and the Parker Street neighborhood, Joy was born and raised in Rhode Island. “My father and stepmother are in my hometown where they pastor one church and oversee 60+ others,” Joy says. “My mother and stepfather have lived in Lakeland for about 20 years and adore this city.” Joy also has four incredible siblings spread throughout the county. Her passions include child psychology and music. “I also love cats,” Joy says, “and will continue to ignore the fact that I am allergic to them.” Welcome to the team, Joy!

Learn more about her below!⁠

What do you like to do for fun? “If I’m not crafting or gaming, I am most likely reading. I am about to begin my next book, The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst.”

What brings you joy? “Music brings me SO much joy. I love to say that I got my voice from my beautiful mama! Some of my fondest memories include sitting at church and watching her lead worship and doing my homework in the green room of theaters while she was on stage.”

Favorite Scripture: “One of my favorite scriptures is Luke 15:10. It was one of the verses I had to memorize in middle school. I remember being floored that there is a party in heaven when just ONE sinner repents. The fact that God knows us by name, and the angels will stop and rejoice when we turn to Him, will never cease to amaze me.”

Favorite coffee shop: “I don’t have a favorite coffee shop just yet, but I’m open to recommendations!”


Parker Street Ministries (PSM) is a 501c3 in Lakeland, Florida, that follows a Gospel-centered model characterized by living, listening, affirming dignity, and building community together in and through the Parker Street neighborhood. Parker Street Ministries is committed to Gospel-centered community development through the focus areas of: Fostering Spiritual Growth so Christ and His Gospel are front and center, Supporting Lifetime Learners through educational opportunities, Stabilizing the Neighborhood by addressing the quality and availability of housing, and Cultivating Connections so gaps in relationships and services are bridged.