Several part-time Classroom Leaders accepted extra responsibilities this semester with the intention of digging deeper into the four foundations of PSM’s year-round Academic Enrichment Program. Focusing on “Worship,” Callie-Ruth oversees a team dedicated to nurturing...
2023 Annual Report
Check out Parker Street Ministries’ 2023 Annual Report. __________ Parker Street Ministries (PSM) is a 501c3 in Lakeland, Florida, that follows a Gospel-centered model characterized by living, listening, affirming dignity, and building community together in and...
Back to School and Starting Smart
Thanks to the faithful donors who assisted in the Start Smart Education Essentials campaign! Because of you (as of August 16), 145 neighborhood kids started school prepared. In addition to providing backpacks, school supplies, and uniforms, donations allow PSM to...
Summer Camp 2023 Stats & Highlights
This summer, 97 youth in K-8 participated in Summer Camp! Campers in K-8 were offered: 40 Summer Camp days 62 academic hours The opportunity to attend 5 field trips including Bonnet Springs Park, ZooTampa, MOSI, and Rock Springs. Additionally, a bonus trip was taken...
Experiential Learning Through Workforce Lab
Now in its eighth year, Workforce Lab continues to prepare young high schoolers who live in the Parker Street neighborhood for life beyond high school as they enter the workforce. Primarily a financial capability program, Workforce Lab teaches soft job skills in an...