Congrats, Sarah, Brooke, and Bayli!

Congrats, Sarah, Brooke, and Bayli!

Officially announcing some exciting staff changes! Three part-time classroom leaders have been promoted to full-time positions. Sarah Bonner is now the Young Adult Program Director; Brooke Prevatt is the Academic Enrichment Program Assistant; and Bayli Moran is...
Flipping for Charities 2023

Flipping for Charities 2023

Staff, volunteers, and neighbors had a great time at Flipping for Charities, the 64th Annual Kiwanis Pancake Festival! Thanks to the Citrus Center Kiwanis Club, sponsors, and all who bought tickets, Parker Street Ministries and seven other local nonprofits benefited...
Welcome, New Trustees!

Welcome, New Trustees!

We are thrilled to welcome three new Trustees to the Board! Tara Jessup is the Team and Outreach Director at Access Church. “I’m excited to serve at Parker Street on a new level! I’ve been a volunteer, staff member, and neighborhood resident, and I’m excited to...

PSM New 5-Year Plan (2023-27)

Jesus’ command to “Love your neighbor” was demonstrated throughout the formation of PSM’s new 5-year plan. This document is the culmination of a 7-month process led by an organizational development expert. Seventy stakeholders took time out of their...