by Parker Street Ministries
“In the triumph of prayer Twofold is the spell. With the folding of hands There’s a spreading of wings And the soul’s lifted up to invisible lands And in ineffable peace.” -Evelyn...
by Parker Street Ministries
Learning can be fun! Kids engaged with learning and they do it every day here in the Academic Enrichment...
by Parker Street Ministries
Did you know that 90% who tour the after-school program return to volunteer? Contact Hannah Scruggs at or call 863.682.4544. You can also fill out our volunteer interest form!...
by Parker Street Ministries
“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor, Could you be mine? Would you be mine?” Valentine’s Day became the perfect opportunity to showcase artwork form our AEP kids accompanied by words form Mr. Rogers. Kids had spent the...
by Parker Street Ministries
Education Director Christina Allen continues to monitor the effects of the Corona Slide in learning. Report cards are coming in and testing in Reading and Math are happening now. Props to all the parents and children who made it through the first Semester of school....